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Keep it Clean!

Last month we wrote about cleaning up, now we want to keep it clean (if your mind went elsewhere that’s a whole other article!). A good hygiene protocol will keep all those potential nasties at bay and provide reassurance for your clients. It’s a matter of both perception and professionalism.

Understanding hygiene is vital for therapists to keep themselves protected from disease and to stop them from spreading between clients. The main goal is to discourage and prevent the growth or spread of pathogens and allergens. 

People are becoming increasingly germ-phobic and, as a therapist, you are trying to decrease rather than increase stress so your client’s minds need to be put as ease on the hygiene front. This simple guide will set you on a sanitised path.

Treatment Rooms

  • Make sure the environment is clean and tidy, vacuum or sweep and mop regularly. Remember clients will generally be removing their shoes, the last thing they want to feel is an oily or gritty floor on their bare feet. Likewise, what’s being transferred from their feet to your floor?
  • Wipe down counter surfaces, research has proven touching one contaminated surface, known as formite, can spread bacteria to up to the next seven surfaces touched. With the danger that formites present it is essential to understand the risk when touching surfaces and then touching patients or clients.
  • Don’t forget the door handles, with estimates of two million germs per square inch of door knob, this is not a spot to forget to clean. The good news is brass handles disinfect themselves in around 8 hours (it’s called the oligodynamic effect) but stainless steel and aluminium will need some extra work.


  • Clean your equipment regularly with appropriate cleansers between treatments. This includes massage tables, massage chairs, stools, massage tools, massage stones, etc to avoid spreading skin-related diseases.
  • Change table linen between each client. If you have a high turnover practice, this may not always be possible so consider disposable covers to cut down on those laundry costs.


  • Human skin carries some 900 species of bacteria, and when one person massages another, a two-way microbial exchange takes place. Yes, the same risk applies to a handshake but thorough hand-washing before and after a massage is recommended.
  • It goes without saying, smelly pits are the pits, invest in a good deodorant. Had too much garlic for dinner? Keep some breath mints on hand. Don’t forget the fingernails either, keep them clean, short and smooth, clients don’t want to leave feeling they’ve gone 10 rounds with a cat!
  • Give up smoking, it lingers on the skin, on clothes and in your hair (not to mention it’s really bad for you). And don’t try to cover it up with perfumes or products with strong fragrances which can potentially set off allergies in your clients.
  • Consider getting an annual flu vaccination, it’s better to take time off for a well earned holiday than stuck in a sick bed.

What to use?

The cleaners and sanitisers you use will be dependant on what they are being applied to. Check specialist equipment manufacturer’s instructions for product care so you don’t void any warranties.

Be aware of client’s allergies and sensitivities to any perfumes or laundry detergents, hypo-allergenic products can help.

Many essential oils also possess antimicrobial properties such as tea tree, eucalyptus, geranium, lavender, lemongrass, oregano and thyme. They can be added to unscented liquid soaps for cleaning and also in your massage oil.

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